Dryer Vent Cleaning
$306 Dryer Vent Cleaning Now!
Chicago 773-417-4691 / Suburbs 773-417-4999
Offer Ends 12/31/2025
The Dryer Vent Cleaning Process - Saves Lives and Money
is a hidden danger spot in most homes today. Chances are you don't look
at it or even think about it. It's the vent from your clothes dryer.
Over time, it fills with lint that slips past your dryer's filter and
builds up in the hose and pipes that vent the warm air outdoors. As the flammable lint builds up it can become a fire hazard in your home that
can ignite at any time. A dryer with restricted airflow also runs significantly longer, causing
utility costs to rise, increasing the need for repairs and decreasing
the life of the dryer. By cleaning your dryer vent, we can help ensure your clothes dryer is both safe and energy efficient.